5x8 Bathroom Remodel Tips, Ideas, & Cost for a 5x8 Bathroom Makeover

5×8 Bathroom Remodel Tips, Ideas, & Cost for a 5×8 Bathroom Makeover

Ian Mutuli
Updated on
Ian Mutuli

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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The 5×8 size is one of the most common bathroom layouts designed to accommodate all the necessary features, including a bathtub, sink, cabinets, shower cubicle, and toilet. If this is your space, you can improve the look for better functionality. This article will guide you on the best 5×8 bathroom remodel tips and ideas to help you create the best design.

Factors to Consider for Your 5×8 Bathroom Remodel

Factors to Consider For Your 5x8 Bathroom Remodel

Image Credits: divesanddollar.com

Any bathroom remodel can be arduous; unlike other spaces in your home, you need to use the bathroom several times daily, even when remodeling. So, it helps when you plan your project to the letter, and that starts with considering the factors that can shorten or prolong your project. We recommend considering the following for a 5×8 bathroom remodel.

a) Age of Your Home

Before you start remodeling, you need to understand when your home was built, as this will help you determine certain bathroom features you want to change, including the plumbing, tiles, colors, and hardware.

When you know the old features you want to change, you can easily craft the project with a more appropriate budget in mind.

b) Scope of Remodel

Now that you know how outdated your bathroom features are, the next thing to do is decide how much you will change the appearance. The scope of remodeling can be minor, mid-range, or upscale.

Scope of5x8 Bathroom Remodel

Image Credits: divesanddollar.com

A minor remodel requires little time and will include updating the features you have by updating elements like paint or tiles. A mid-range remodel will require updating more prominent elements like bathtubs or sinks, while an upscale remodeling project will redo the layout and all features. The latter will take the longest to complete and can force you to move out temporarily if you have one bathroom.

With your budget in mind, you will want to decide on the scope of remodeling. In addition, you will want to decide if your project requires professionals, which can further determine how much money you spend.

c) Your Bathroom’s Layout

Do you want to change the layout? For example, maybe your bathroom has its amenities mixed up, but you would rather have the bathtub, toilet, and sinks on one side.

Bathroom Layout

Image Credits: trubuildconstruction.com

In this case, changing the bathroom layout will require moving the plumbing options and will cost you more if you can’t do that yourself. In addition, it will mean you reinstall most bathroom features afresh, which can significantly affect your bathroom remodel budget.

Any remodeling project aims to update your spaces, and deciding on the layout to go with will help you understand the budget and the scope of remodeling you face.

d) Your Home’s Value

It is possible for a bathroom remodel to improve your home value if you ever need to resell it in the future. According to a recent study, while upscaling your home’s value, some bathroom remodels can help you recover up to 71% of your remodel cost.

So, as you plan your remodel project, consider updates that can upscale your home’s value. While doing so, keep the remodel in line with your overall home style. For instance, if you have previously remodeled your living room or bedrooms, you will want to carry a similar style to the bathroom, so it makes sense to potential buyers.

Remember, a bathroom will only improve the value of your home if it does not stand out from other areas of your home.

e) The Bathroom Remodel Cost

The most important factor to remember as you plan the remodel is how much money you can spend and how much the remodel could cost. While a few factors will determine the cost of your 5×8 bathroom remodel, experts estimate you can spend up to $8,000 on the project. More on this later!

5×8 Bathroom Remodel Tips

5x8 Bathroom Remodel Tips

Image Credits: homeguide.com

A small bathroom remodel such as this can be hard to pull off, especially when you can’t narrow down what you want to change or improve. So, are you struggling to decide what to do with your remodel? Here are some tips to boost your creativity.

a) Change the Layout

Don’t fancy the way features are arranged in your bathroom? A remodel can be as simple as rearranging them. Since most bathroom features require plumbing, the best move could be to remodel the shower, bathtub, toilet, and sink on one side, thus making the water and electric connections easier to handle.

But, understand this can affect your scope of remodeling since you will need to remove the amenities and reinstall them on one side. As a result, you will damage the bathroom walls, thus affecting the length and cost of your remodeling.

b) Consider a Tub

One of the best ways to remodel an old bathroom is by adding more modern features. So, if your bathroom does not have a tub, you can add one or even remodel it with a jacuzzi.


Image Credits: pexels.com

A jacuzzi is a timeless bathroom feature that encourages healing and relaxation. In addition, the hot tub is easy to install and will upscale your home’s value significantly.

c) Consider Storage

As mentioned above, a 5×8 bathroom is designed to house most bathroom amenities, including storage cabinets. If you do not have bathroom storage, you can incorporate them into your remodel plan.

Bathroom Storage

Image Credits: pexels.com

But, understand you still have a small space, so it will be best to choose the most compatible cabinets and, if possible, place them next to the sink and shower to improve functionality. After all, bathroom storage is for things you use when taking a bath or shower, such as shampoos and shower gels.

Afraid you don’t have enough space for big cabinets? You can mount a shampoo box next to the shower or tub. Alternatively, you can also have a shelf above the toilet where you store items like cleaners and toilet paper. Furthermore, if you have bare wall space, you can create wall niches behind amenities like toilets and sinks to squeeze in extra storage space while decorating the room.

Finally, you can install a pedestal sink above a small cabinet to store other essentials like band-aids and medicines.

d) Consider Your Sink Options

Bathroom Sink

Image Credits: pexels.com

A 5×8 bathroom is a little small, but it still has enough room for the best sinks. But, whether you want to install a pedestal, vessel, undermount, or vanity sink, it is best to place it next to the toilet. A sink installed next to a toilet is a space-saving design that also directs traffic flow for better functionality.

e) Consider the Bathroom Door Design

Since this is a relatively small bathroom, saving space with your door design is most reasonable. This leaves you with two options;

  • A pocket door that disappears into the walls when fully open.
  • A swing-out door that opens outwards from the bathroom.

These two design choices will help you maximize every inch of space in your bathroom. As a result, you will have more space for essential amenities like storage and sinks.

f) Change Flooring

The next remodel tip you can use of updating your flooring. Depending on the age of your home, you might dislike the old floor tiles that do not add any aesthetic to the room. So, consider more modern floor tiles and colors that can improve the look, safety, and light absorption of your 5×8 bathroom.

g) Improve Lighting

Since you are remodeling a small space, adding more amenities can make the space cramped, especially if you do not use the best lighting options.

Bathroom Lighting

Image Credits: pexels.com

Luckily, you can install different lighting fixtures in different spaces to light the way and add a modern aesthetic to your 5×8 bathroom. One way to improve lighting is installing recessed lighting and then further decorating the bathroom with wall sconces installed above the sink or bathtub.

h) Choose a Bathroom Style

As mentioned above, the bathroom can improve the value of your home after remodeling. But this is a challenging feat. You may need to follow a specific bathroom style to complete a thorough remodel. Here are some bathroom styles you can consider for your remodel:

  • A contemporary bathroom style
  • A Victorian bathroom
  • A traditional bathroom
  • An eclectic bathroom
  • A modern bathroom
  • A craftsman bathroom
  • A shabby chic bathroom
  • A Mediterranean bathroom

As you pick the style, remember you can also apply creativity to combine elements from different styles to create a unique bathroom. As you do so, it is important to balance the room’s aesthetic and balance elements of similar visual weight to create a sense of stability.

i) Hire a Contractor

Unlike other rooms you want to remodel in your house, the bathroom is a bit harder to remodel alone, thanks to the delicate plumbing and wiring connections needed. In addition, installing amenities like a bathtub, shower, toilet, or sink requires some expertise, so you may need professional help.

You will need to hire a contractor for advanced remodeling or finish the job alone if you only want to repaint or replace features like light bulbs or tiles. A contractor, though expensive, will guarantee a fast completion time, and with their expertise, they can also help you decide the best elements or styles to go for.

5×8 Bathroom Remodel Ideas

5x8 Bathroom Remodel Ideas

Image Credits: pods.com

Now that you have considered all the vital factors and used the tips above to craft the best remodel project for your 5×8 bathroom, it is finally time to start improving the room. However, if you are still trying to decide what to change or leave, here are some ideas to pique your creativity.

1. Design a Full Bathroom

A full bathroom has all amenities the space can handle, but as a rule of thumb, there should be at least four features; a tub, shower cubicle, toilet, and sink. To use this idea, you will ensure the plumbing locations complement the features you want to add. Consider lining up all the plumbed-in features on one wall for the best results.

Full Bathroom

Image Credits: pexels.com

However, if that’s not possible, you can use the image above as your motivation. The full bath features a bathroom toilet, bidet, bathtub, walk-in shower, and sink. The master bathroom design incorporates clever storage ideas under the sink and on the wall, while the bold wall tiles and statement floor give the room an elegant look.

Also, notice how, despite the dark color combinations, the 5×8 bathroom is well-lit. If you go for this look, use ceiling lights and install wall sconces, as in the image above.

2. Design a 3/4 Bathroom

Suppose you don’t have enough space in your bathroom layout to design a full bathroom. You can also design a 3/4 bathroom with at least three amenities, but you have to choose either a shower cubicle or a bathtub.

3/4 Bathroom

Image Credits: pexels.com

The image above is designed with Victorian-style elements and is the perfect 3/4 bathroom to take inspiration from. The room features an elegant freestanding bathtub against one wall, while a toilet and sink are placed opposite each other. This style is your best idea to display your creative style since placing the toilet opposite the sink is a superb way to create curiosity.

Also, notice how well-lit the room is thanks to the window, sleek wall sconces, and clean color coordination. If you go for this style, you will want to display faucets to give the illusion of a bigger bathroom. In addition to raised faucets, the large mirror above the sinks is another excellent way to make your 5×8 bathroom look bigger.

3. Design a Half Bathroom

You can consider a half bathroom if the two layouts above seem too congested for your 5×8 bathroom. This one comes with two prominent features: a shower and a sink. While easy to pull off, this idea is best for less busy bathrooms near a living room or a guest room.

Half Bathroom

Image Credits: pexels.com

The half bath is an ideal way to make your rather small bathroom appear bigger and a superb design to go for when you need more floor room for storage and traffic. For example, the image above is designed with modern-style elements in mind and finished for a minimalistic appeal.

It only features a glass shower cubicle and a sink, but the tan and white color combination makes the room look even more elegant. This is also the perfect idea for a narrow bathroom space. If you go for the look, remember to install muted lighting fixtures, while a mirror will help distribute more light and make the room seem bigger.

4. Opt for a Tub/Shower Combination

While most 5×8 bathrooms can support a full bathroom, your layout can make the room appear cluttered, which is different from what you want for most modern and contemporary bathroom styles. To prevent this, you can remodel your shower like the bathtub below. The design saves space while improving the functionality of your small bathroom.

Tub/Shower Combination

Image Credits: pexels.com

This idea is best for narrow bathroom spaces so you can install other amenities, such as a toilet and sink, on adjacent walls while leaving enough room for traffic flow. The image above best depicts this idea. The shower tub combo could make the room appear cluttered, but the design mitigates that risk with clean shower tiles and a white sink and toilet.

In addition, the plain colors could make the room dull and unimaginative, but the beige accent neutralizes this, effectively taking attention away from the cluttered amenities.

5. Go for a Corner Shower

A corner shower has many benefits to a 5×8 bathroom. For starters, it clears loads of space, so you can install other features like double sinks or a linen closet. This idea is best implemented with a round or rectangular shower cubicle, although the former is the better space-saving option.

Corner Shower

Image Credits: pexels.com

The bathroom above is a good depiction of this style. It features a rounded shower cubicle with sliding doors, which is one of the best functional and space-saving designs. Depending on the bathroom dimensions, you can make this cubicle as big as necessary to support more shower heads.

The corner shower leaves a lot of room in the 5×8 bathroom, which poses the risk of creating a dull, basic bathroom. To avoid this, the design above incorporated an accent wall behind a wall-mounted toilet. Also, notice how the bathroom floor sports classy tiles that marry well with the accent wall while complementing the white shower tile and amenities.

6. Use Mirrors

You can also use mirrors to give the illusion of a bigger bathroom. However, a 5×8 bathroom is not very spacious, and if you aim for a full bathroom remodel, chances are the room will look cluttered, which may not be something you want.

Bathroom Mirrors

Image Credits: pexels.com

Installing mirrors is one way to mitigate this outcome. You can install them on the same wall to reflect the adjacent wall, thus making the room appear bigger and less cluttered. As in the image above, you will want to ensure effective lighting choices for the mirror to make sense.

7. Go for Statement Tiles

Suppose you don’t need to change the existing 5×8 bathroom layout or fixtures but still need to feel confident that the bathroom communicates your style. In this case, you can inspire a new bathroom look by updating the walls or floors. You might even want to lean towards an eclectic style to spice things up.

Statement Tiles

Image Credits: pexels.com

The image above shows a unique bathroom design you might not find in many places. It is an eclectic mix of modern and Victorian bathroom styles. The exposed bathroom faucets and plumbing lines add a nice touch of elegance against the colored stone tiles, while the colorful succulent plants add some life to what could be a dull room.

If you go for this look, you will need to pay more attention to lighting fixtures, specifically installing overhead lighting choices and sleek wall sconces.

8. Use a White Theme

One of the biggest goals when remodeling a 5×8 bathroom is to make it look bigger since it is a small room. The case is even clear if you want to design a full or 3/4 bathroom since more amenities will decrease visible floor space.

White Bathroom Theme

Image Credits: pexels.com

A white theme is one of the most effortless ways to make your 5×8 bathroom look bigger. The image above is a 3/4 bathroom featuring a white toilet, sink, storage, and a clear glass corner shower. It avoids looking unimaginative by using cream walls and floor tiles. Still, the bathroom looks bigger than it is, while the large mirror on one side improves the big-room illusion.

9. Install a Pocket Door

This is another idea that will help you maximize the bathroom space you have. When open, a pocket door recesses into the walls, thus leaving enough room inside for more amenities.

Pocket Door

Image Credits: houzz.com

The image above best depicts this look. The pocket door allows the homeowner to install delicate amenities close to the entrance, including the glass shower cubicle and sink. If the door swung outward or inward, it would affect traffic flow either way, so the pocket door was the best solution for the small space.

10. Move Plumbing Locations to One Wall

This remodeling idea will help you achieve linear balance, where all plumbed-in fixtures are aligned against the same wall. The design is ideal for narrow bathrooms, but you must be careful about placements to guarantee the best traffic flow.

Move Plumbing Locations to One Wall

Image Credits: pexels.com

For example, the 3/4 bathroom above shows all plumbing locations fixed on the longest wall. As a result, the bathtub, toilet, and sink are placed against that wall, while a mirror above the sink reflects the wall with storage features to make the room appear bigger.

5×8 Bathroom Remodel Cost

5x8 Bathroom Remodel cost

Image Credits: pinterest.com

As mentioned above, a basic 5×8 bathroom remodel can cost around $8000. But, many factors affect the overall cost, including:

a) Planning the Remodel

Planning a remodel will include redrawing the layout designs, which may require an interior designer or architect to complete. Depending on the age of your house and the changes you want, this remodeling step can cost up to $2000.

However, this might not be relevant to your remodel if you don’t want to change the bathroom layout.

b) Demolitions

If you want a new 5×8 bathroom layout, you must demolish walls or tear out existing plumbing, lighting, and heating systems. Generally, removing these features will cost up to $1250.

c) Updating Utilities

This step is most likely an option for you and can cost up to $1800. You will update or replace plumbing, lighting, and electrical wiring features here.

d) Building and Finishing Bathroom Features

After tearing walls and updating amenities, the next step, building and finishing the vital features, can cost around $2000. This cost includes fixing the drywall, painting, and installing bathroom tiles.

e) Installing Amenities

This can be the most labor-intensive and expensive step of remodeling your 5×8 bathroom, especially if you need to replace the amenities. Bathtubs are the most expensive bathroom amenities, with the lower-end models costing about $6000 to buy and install.

Other sanitary amenities like toilets, showers, faucets, and sinks can cost around $1200 to buy and install.

f) Installing Storage Features and Furniture

The final step of your remodel will be installing storage cabinets and other bathroom furniture. The cost here depends on your chosen furniture and how hard they are to install. However, it can run up to $2200 for vanity and countertop, while mirrors, shelves, and linen racks can cost around $1100.

Ian Mutuli

About the author

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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