How To Clean A Memory Foam Mattress That Has Tough Stains

Ian Mutuli
Updated on
Ian Mutuli

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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The memory foam mattress is the very picture of comfortable sleep in modern living, and sleep is a big slice of a person's well-being. Nevertheless, cleanliness is one of the key qualities that make a mattress comfortable and cannot be overlooked when it comes to health and wellness.

A mattress that has not been cleaned can bring many risks, such as dust mites, allergic attacks, blocked noses, and eventually an awful impression of your personality. There are enough reasons to clean your mattress and we are here to show you how to clean a memory foam mattress just in a few simple steps.

How to Clean Memory Foam Mattresses

You should be extremely careful when cleaning your mattress to ensure it is safe for you to sleep on afterward. On the other hand, you should not spoil your mattress in the name of cleaning, and if you follow these steps, you will surely use your mattress for the days ahead.

1. Remove and Wash the Mattress Cover

If your bed frame has a removable cover, make sure to clean it regularly. The majority of removable mattress covers are machine washable. However, if you don't have a cover or protector, be sure to add one of the best mattress protectors or covers as a reminder. This will be helpful in maintaining a clean and spotless mattress.

2. Vacuum the Mattress

If you have always wanted to use your cordless handheld vacuum cleaner for the last time, now is the time to do so. You can guarantee that you will get good sleep when you add the vacuum cleaner to your cleaning solutions. Mattresses are the dustiest traps for dust mites, dead skin cells, and tiny particles. The construction and the nature of the mattress allow the quick bonding of any particles that could adhere to the surface.

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Your other bet is to use an upholstery attachment to get the job done in no time. These devices are quite easy to handle and appropriate for cleaning mattresses. Using heavier equipment might damage the mattress and rip some parts. Our goal is to get an intact and newly cleaned mattress. These gadgets will get the entire surface cleaned because they are not as limited as using a fabric cleaner.

The advantage of vacuuming is that you can do it as often as you want. For example, every time you change your sheets is a good time to get some vacuuming going to ensure your mattress is always clean. Cleaning your mattress as many times as possible is a great way to ensure your mattress does not build up excess dust to call for a thorough cleaning.

Nooks and crevices are parts you should not forget and look out for most. These parts contain more dust and dirt than the entire mattress. You may wonder why bed bugs like these parts. And the answer is that they are the hardest parts to get to. Vacuuming is a great way to get to these parts to ensure you deep clean the mattress every time you are out cleaning.

3. Mattress Cleaning Solution

A vacuum may be a great way to get rid of dust, dead skin cells, dirt, and pet hair. However, the method is not the most efficient in removing stains. In addition, many things might cause staining on the mattress. I will not mention some, but other reasons include spilling drinks on the mattress cover or kids getting playful on the bed. All in all, you have to remove stains to keep the look of a new mattress.

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You have many options for making a cleaning detergent for your mattress. You can use a dishwasher liquid, a fabric cleaner, or a mild detergent to get the mattress pads or cover cleaned. The mattress materials are not very different from your other fabric and will respond to the washing solution like the fabric would.

Once you have settled on the cleaner you want to use, you can mix one part with two-part warm water to get the process started. Next, add the solution to a spray bottle to help you clean the whole surface of the memory foam mattress evenly and neatly. Tough stains will hardly stand in the way of this solution.

You will need a stronger solution in the spray bottle for urine stains and discolored surfaces. You can use one-part white vinegar and three-part water to get the job done. Baking soda will come in handy in such situations as well. You can sprinkle baking soda on the surface to get rid of foul smells while at it.

While memory foam mattresses are the best on the market, they will not do well with hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, limit the hydrogen peroxide solution to traditional mattresses because they damage the memory foam mattress material.

4. Spot Cleaning

Identify the spots on the mattress that require most of the cleaning you can manage. The first go-to solution is the fabric cleaner, as we had established before. However, you may want to introduce the vinegar solution on the memory foam mattress for tougher stains.

You do not want your mattress to absorb excess water while cleaning. Therefore, you should use a highly absorbent, clean towel to clean the memory foam mattress. Remember, harsh chemicals will do more harm to the mattress than good.

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Use circular motions to clean the spots on the mattress while minding the foam underneath. Cleaning memory foam mattresses is not the hardest thing to do, provided you follow the right steps.

Once you are done spot cleaning, you want to pat the area you have cleaned with paper towels to absorb the water that may be clogged in the mattress. Next, cover the cleaned area with dry baking soda for about eight hours to help completely dry the mattress by absorbing the excess water left behind. In addition, the baking soda will pull the stain off the surface of the memory foam mattress and deodorize the surface, leaving the mattress fresh.

Once the baking powder has done its job, get back the vacuum cleaner and remove all the baking soda from the cleaned surface of the mattress.

5. Drying

The drying process is one of the main cleaning methods of memory foam mattresses. If you use a mattress after getting it wet, it can develop a rotten smell after a couple of days. The drying of the mattress will determine the quality of your sleep. A few hours of your time will be all that you need to dry the mattress in order to avoid the torture of a sleepless night.

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It is important to focus on the wet spots with more stains because they probably have more waterlogged in them. If you have a hairdryer, you are in luck because now is a good time to put it to use. You can use the hairdryer by moving it in a circular motion over the spot until the patch is dry to the touch. This way, you can ensure that all the water has dried out and the mattress is ready for use. Your cleaning process will be close to complete when you do this.

If you are unlucky enough not to own a hairdryer, you have other options at your disposal that you can use. For example, you can use a fan by bringing it close to the wet spots, ensuring the spots you cleaned with a damp cloth dry before putting the mattress to use.

Ways of Caring for Your Memory Foam Mattress

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Before you start looking for the empty spray bottle or the steam cleaner, there are ways of keeping the mattress clean and always protected. Learning how to clean your memory foam mattress is a great way to get started if the mattress gets dirty. However, these practices will make your work easier when it gets to the point of cleaning your mattress.

  • If you wish for your memory foam mattress to be clean at all times, you should look into and install the best mattress topper. A memory foam mattress topper is great because it will take one for the mattress every time you want it to. A memory foam topper and mattress protector should be on your list of things you have to get.
  • Before you learn how to deep clean memory foam mattresses, you can have good habits, including avoiding foods and drinks on your mattress.
  • Place your mattress in direct sunlight whenever you can to keep it fresh. Polyurethane foam absorbs a lot of sweat, and sunlight helps with that. This will improve the air quality in your bedroom.
  • Avoid using an excess solution of vinegar or any harsh chemicals when cleaning.
  • When cleaning spots, use a clean cloth or a damp rag to keep the memory foam mattress clean.
  • Ensure the memory foam mattress cover is machine washed and make changes every time you can.
  • When cleaning, use a soft brush attachment and other mattress resources to get to the tricky crevices.
  • Let the mattress air dry in the last stages of cleaning.
  • Turn the mattress over periodically so as not to hide stains.
  • Have multiple mattress protectors.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Clean a Memory Foam Mattress

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1. Can I wash a memory foam mattress?

It is possible to wash a memory foam mattress safely. After vacuuming, you can use laundry detergent and lukewarm water to clean the mattress. To do so, gently spray the cleaning solution over your mattress but don't get it too wet to avoid damaging the memory foam.

2. How do I deep clean a memory foam mattress?

To deep clean a memory foam mattress, mix equal parts water and liquid laundry detergent. Spray the solution on the mattress and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Rinse off the cleaning solution by wiping it with a damp rag. You can repeat the spraying and rinsing until the mattress is clean. Then, towel dry with a fresh towel by pressing it on the mattress to remove excess water and let the spot sit to fully dry. 

3. What Is The Easiest Way To Wash A Memory Foam Mattress Topper?

Like a memory foam mattress, you can't wash a memory foam mattress topper in the washing machine. Instead, virus, spot clean it and let it fully dry in the air. Follow this article's guidelines for vacuuming and cleaning your memory foam mattress.

4. How Do You Clean Your Memory Foam?

A vacuum cleaner or upholstery attachment is the best equipment for removing dust, dirt, and other debris. Nevertheless, these items do little to remove stains. Thus, deep cleaning and stain removal require using a cleaning solution. You can apply a dishwasher liquid, a fabric cleaner, or an eco-friendly detergent. Also, in case of stubborn stains, you can use a vinegar solution.

5. How Frequently I Should Clean My Memory Foam Mattress?

The opinions differ as to how often you should be washing your memory foam mattress. Nevertheless, you should deep clean your mattress with all diligence every half-a-year approximately. However, do it as frequently as you think necessary, and do it more frequently if allergens become an issue or if you start noticing a weird odor. Vacuuming is at least needed while you change the bedding to draw out the dust particles and particles that may have been around.

6. Can I put my memory foam mattress in the washer?

Do not put your memory foam mattress in the washer. Memory foam mattresses should be hand washed because machine washing can cause them to tear and damage since they are delicate. You can use a vacuum cleaner or careful handwashing to wash your memory foam mattress.

7. What Can I Do To Safeguard My Memory Foam Bed From Spills?

A mattress protector or cover is the best option but an encasement that covers all sides of the mattress is the best protection. Besides, not all mattress covers and protectors are waterproof, so you should consider waterproof ones. Furthermore, you should select a shield that fights against dust mites and bed bugs.

8. How do I keep my memory foam mattress clean?

Once you clean your Memory foam mattress, you can maintain and create a long-term freshness for it. These are the action points:

  • Vacuuming is a daily exercise to avoid pile up of hair, dust, and dirt.
  • Open the windows so as to let in fresh air to nullify any smell that might be in the room.
  • Wash your sheets and mattress pads on a regular basis.
  • Never eat or drink in your bed to avoid getting it dirty.
  • Do not allow your pets to sleep on the same mattress with you.

9. Can I steam-clean a memory foam mattress?

No, you shouldn't steam clean a memory foam mattress. Steam cleaning uses liquid in the steam form to wash the memory foam mattress, and the moisture can saturate your mattress, leaving it soaked and nearly impossible to dry. This can damage the construction and integrity of your memory foam mattress. Extremely wet memory foam can also develop an odor, mold, bacteria, or mildew growth.

Steam cleaning could also affect your memory foam mattress warranty.

Final Take on How to Clean a Memory Foam Mattress

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Every medical professional and certified sleep coach training personnel will tell you how important cleaning a memory foam mattress is. You spend close to half your life asleep. If you don't take care of your sleep environment, you will miss out on staying healthy and happy. Good sleep is related to many advantages, including a stress-free life. Therefore, your memory foam mattress deserves the best care it can get.

Ian Mutuli

About the author

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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