Salt Water Hot Tub For a Gentle, Eco-Friendly Spa Experience

Ian Mutuli
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Ian Mutuli

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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Saltwater systems have been on the rise in recent years as people are looking for more natural ways to boost their health and wellness. The salt water hot tub manufacturers claim to be a natural and chemical-free alternative for sanitizing hot tubs. They were initially developed for swimming pools in New Zealand around the year 1980.

Through the electrolysis process, electricity usually converts dissolved salt into chlorine or sodium bromine which later converts to bromine. Saltwater hot tubs are suitable for homeowners looking for a gentle hot tub experience and a better understanding of saltwater hot tubs. Read on to understand more about them.

How Does a SaltWater Hot Tub Work?

The saltwater hot tub works like its sounds using a chlorinator device, and it transforms the salt hot tub water into a sanitizing agent for your water. Once sodium chloride is released into your hot tub water, it uses a little electricity that won't shock you. The chloride molecules from the salt are released into your hot tub, and they start sanitizing your water.

This process takes place in the water chlorinator device, and all you need for the process to work is to have salinity levels of 2500 PPM. Any hot tub can qualify as a saltwater hot tub once they get a salt-chlorine generator. Notably, water chemistry and bather load factors affect the water life, but properly maintained saltwater spas will keep the spa water clean and fresh.

Using a salt water hot tub, you will only need to replace the cartridge three times a year which saves you time and money, unlike the traditional tub. Plus, the installation process does not need any tools, and you can also easily replace the disposable and maintenance-free titanium cartridge.

Benefits of Salt Water Hot Tubs

1. No need for sanitizers

It is possible to have a hot tub that does not use chlorine because that's one advantage of a saltwater hot tub that uses natural chlorine. A saltwater spa does not need chlorine tablets or bromine tablets when properly maintained in the right way. Therefore, hot tub owners don't need to worry anymore about sanitizers.

2. Fresh Scent

Some hot tub owners are usually bothered with the strong smell of chlorine, making the salt-water spas suitable for their needs. This is because a salt system usually leaves the air quality pure, unlike the chlorinated water tubs that might have harsh odors because of interacting with other harsh chemicals in the spa.

3. Irritant-Free

Because the salt water systems are free from chloramines which are a potential irritational product produced when chlorine mixes with other substances like ammonia. For individuals sensitive to chloramine, a saltwater system is a perfect alternative because it limits exposure to chloramines and keeps the water clean and free from harmful microorganisms.

4. Easy to Maintain

Once the salt systems have been installed, it is easy to maintain them as they have an easy cleaning process. You need to ensure that your alkalinity and pH are balanced, follow the user manual, and occasionally shock the salt water hot tub.

5. Water Balance

Adding salt into spa water acts as a stabilizer and, as a result, balances the spa water and makes it more consistent. The mineral present in the spa water acts as a buffer and helps manage your chemicals, helping the pH balance and not fluctuate.

6. Buoyancy

Salt is usually responsible for adding buoyancy to the water and, as a result, makes the stress gravity you will feel on your body less. This maximizes salt water hot tub therapy results, decreasing any strain and stress on your body, helping you have a better and more enjoyable spa experience.

7. Few Drains

A traditional hot tub should be drained and replaced every three to four months, and this is not the same for a salt water system. Salt water hot tubs don't need constant replacing, just proper maintenance and balancing, and the saltwater hot tub can last up to twelve months using less water.

8. Fewer Chemicals

The salt water systems are usually constantly monitoring chlorine levels in the water, and they produce as much chlorine as is needed. This means that the spa water ends up with fewer chemicals which will help the water last longer. Additionally, the water of salt water hot tubs feels softer, purer, and smoother than the sanitized water of traditional hot tubs.

8. Disposable titanium cartridges

The FreshWater Salt System converts salt into chlorine by using titanium salt cartridges designed to last up to four months with normal spa use. They are bought in packs of three, and a single pack can ensure the spa water is clean for over a year.

Disadvantages of the FreshWater Salt System

1. High Initial Cost

Initially, a salt water hot tub is more expensive than a traditional hot tub because they need many installation costs to function fully.

2. Water should remain above 60℉

When it comes to salt water hot tubs, the salt water system needs to stay above 60℉ because when it falls below, the salt water systems may have difficulty producing chlorine even with the cell still running. Most systems shut down when they sense a low water temperature which reduces the chlorine level and results in a breeding ground of microorganisms.

3. Cell Replacement Costs

A hot tub salt cell may last between two and five years, depending on the cell quality, maintenance, and frequency of use. Even though the salt cells are made of parallel titanium plates, they may chip off because of low salt levels, lack of proper maintenance, or wear and tear.

4. Corrosion Risk

Since salt corrodes with metal, some people claim that saltwater systems cause damage to liners, heaters because of excess salt levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is saltwater good for a hot tub?

Yes, it is. A freshwater salt system is gentle on the skin with no strong chlorine smell and relatively easier maintenance and generally making them a great choice. You can also conserve more water as they need fewer refills and thus are eco-friendly.

2. Is a saltwater hot tub easier to maintain?

Yes, they are easier to maintain, as we have mentioned above, and also they offer a gentle and more relaxing experience than traditional hot tubs.

Ian Mutuli

About the author

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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