Do You Tip Carpet Installers

How Do You Tip Carpet Installers and What Should I Consider?

Ian Mutuli
Updated on
Ian Mutuli

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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The service industry has seen a lot of change in the past year with the raging pandemic. Most people have lost their jobs because of different reasons related to the current global situation. However, there has been a phenomenon where employees are leaving jobs in the service industry because of low pay and more work, which in some cases justifies tipping. On the contrary, one industry that has seen a small boom is carpet installers. Most people are spending more time at home, prompting more carpet installation. However, when the work is done, do you tip carpet installers?

What Does a Carpet installer Do?

The carpet is one of the things that will make the most difference in your house, especially to new eyes. Professional carpet installers ensure that the carpet is laid professionally and neatly to give the room a magnificent look. Carpet installers work in your home, mostly under your supervision, and they have an eye for what works and what does not. Therefore, carpet installers play a huge part in ensuring the carpet installation cost counts at the end of the day. Laying a new carpet over old flooring is not easiest, especially for a large space. However, when the work is done, the question remains, should you tip carpet installers?

Should You Tip Carpet Installers?

1) Company Policy

Tipping is almost a norm in the food and service industry, and everyone is expected to do it. Regardless of how the service was, you are expected to tip to a certain extent. For example, if you order a cold drink, you have to leave a tip. Different countries and states have standard rates for tipping that you are expected to abide by.

However, companies in the service industry that are not food-related may have a no-tipping policy as part of their rules or contract. This rule may be because the workers are paid at hourly rates by the company, and you are not expected to add any more on top of the payment done. While that is the case, you may feel obliged to tip anyway. So as long as the installation company will not have a problem if you do it willingly, go ahead and do tip carpet installers.

2) Work Done

Whenever you are in the service industry, you will realize many expectations for both parties. Professional carpet installers are expected to do their jobs perfectly, and you are expected to create a good working environment for the workers. However, if you are not satisfied with the work, you can hold back your tip. The carpet installers are getting paid, and the work done should be up to par in terms of quality. Assess the work done and make a choice.

You can look at the work done in terms of how much work has been done. For example, if the carpet installation was happening in a 5000 square foot house, you can tip carpet installers for the extra work done. Most installers do a great job, and you should make them feel appreciated.

3) Standard Tipping Rate

Every country and every state has a standard tipping rate that they abide by. If tipping is strictly not allowed by companies or the state, it does not matter how carpeted the square yard floor is. Tip your professional carpet installer keeping the rules in mind.

4) Number of Workers

Tipping carpet installers is a great thing to do. However, you have to consider how many flooring installers are doing the work. Since you are only contracting the carpet installation company to do the job, you can not control the number of workers they bring to work. It is up to the company to to pay the employees incomes and not yours. Therefore, if you can not tip flooring installers because they are too many, you do not have to beat yourself over it. The flooring installer will still deliver the work based on company standards and not on whether you tipped.

The installation costs and moving furniture already set you back a great deal, and you do not have to beat yourself up when you can not tip a lot of people to install the carpet in your house. Tip your carpet installer only if you can.

5) Mode of Tipping Carpet Installers

Carpet installation will cost you a lot of money, especially if you want to install carpet designs that look modern and well thought out. By the end of it all, you may not have enough money left to tip carpet installers for carpet installation. Regardless of how well the carpet installer did the work, you can only tip with the money you have.

There are other great ways of being good to the workers if you do not have extra money. You can save money by being realistic with yourself about the situation. Making cookies and being nice to the workers will make them work better and in a great environment.

Tipping Etiquette

a) Tip all Members Equally

You will not be going round handing each employee their money envelope with secret amounts in them. You have to go through the proper channels to tip your carpet installers. You need to engage the foreman or the company before issuing any money. Even if you have given the foreman the money, you need to gather around the carpet installers and appreciate them while letting them know how much each has been tipped. This avoids theft of any kind by the employer.

Tipping members will grow the business relationship, creating a bond with the workers. However, while you tip the workers for the heavy lifting work, ensure everyone gets the same amount. This gets rid of jealousy and other things that might not be necessary.

b) Thank-You Card

After the old carpet is gone and the new one is installed, you can trust that someone did an extra job ensuring the work is well done. However, there might be a large crew that will leave you asking, "how much should I tip"? People tip in different ways. For you, you can create a thank you card for everyone and a batch of cookies instead of money or alongside money. Once the old carpeting is gone, you can ensure that the smallest gestures will mean the most to the workers.

c) You are Not Obliged to Tip

Unless tipping is included as part of the payment to be made to the workers, do not feel the pressure to tip your carpet installers. Different people have different beliefs and take on giving tips. Every person deserves to make the choices when the money is theirs. Services have terms and conditions, and the client will decide to ask for the services of professionals. You do not have to tip per person either. Talk to the contractor and see what your options are.

d) It is Not All About the Money

Workers are people just like any other person. When they are on-site, all that matters is how you treat them. If you treat the workers badly, your tip will not mean much. The carpet installers will get the carpets fixed, and they will be on their way. Just because you are tipping does not give you the right to be disrespectful.

Downsides of Tipping

i) Tipping Encourages Underpayment

One of the reasons professionals in the food and service industries rely so much on tips is because the companies they work for do not give them better pay. Because of this, a carpet installer or a waitress in a restaurant will depend on the number of hours worked or the number of customers served. This places the worker in a very bad spot financially.

ii) Harassment

Some people become hostile simply because they have tipped. People are weird sometimes, and you will come across all kinds of characters. Tipping that is not included in the payment or not in the original agreement more often than not comes with an attitude. Installing the carpet is already hard, and making the professional carpet installers feel self-aware when you are tipping them is not the best thing to do.

iii) Tipping Encourages Wage Theft

Restaurants that allow tipping as part of the payment will sometimes deny the waiters their duly earned tip. But, unfortunately, there is always so little anyone can do because they do not know whether a tip was left behind or not.

iv) Tipping is Largely Dependent

Tippin is dependent on the person giving a tip. Sometimes you will find people who do not want to tip, and nothing can be done. Also, depending on the website that the information is on, tipping may be missed because no one will search online for tipping rates unless they are non-citizens.

Tipping sometimes depends on the demographic. For example, if you find a restaurant in an area that experiences a lot of racism, some waiters may be looked down upon and not engaged by the customers. This may result in people getting fewer tips.

Final Take

Tipping carpet installers is largely your choice. However, if you have to tip, you need to consider going online and searching for the tipping rates. Be sensitive when tipping knowing that it can be a very sensitive issue in some places. Read the contract agreement with the company and ensure you are clear on the tipping front.

Ian Mutuli

About the author

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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