How to Clean Cricut Mat in Various Ways

Ian Mutuli
Updated on
Ian Mutuli

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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Cleaning or resticking a Cricut mat will cost less which is good news but be ready to have your hands messy. If you do not want to have direct contact with dirt next time, cleaning the mat is not ideal for you and to be honest, over some period, new mats are required.

This article will help you in addressing the process of how to clean your Cricut cutting mat besides ways of restoring your mat stickiness.

Cricut Mat Cleaning Tools

To clean a Cricut mat you do not require special tools or materials and most of which can be acquired in the house. They include:

  • Lint roller
  • Alcohol-free baby wipes
  • Dish Brush
  • Cleaning Spray Adhesive
  • Dawn Dish Soap
  • Plastic Cricut scraper tool

Methods for Cleaning your Cricut Mat

1. Light-Duty Cleaning Methods

The light-duty cleaning procedures can be used after every project for the general cleaning of the mat.

Using a Scraper Tool

Using the plastic scraper, which is always included in your cutting electric device, slide the material over the mat surface. If you run it systematically it is easier to fully eliminate the small debris like hair, stray or fuzz. Continue the process several times, before moving on to the next step.

Using Lint Rollers

Use a lint roller to assist in removing any tiny pieces of the material that may still be stuck on the mat. Roll the tool over the other side of the mat’s surface in order to pick any tiny pieces of paper, fuzzies or glitter. This method may be carried out daily or when you find fibers and bits getting deposited on the mat

Baby Wipes

Baby wipes are wet and soft in texture that does not inflame your Cricut mat s surface when wiping off dirt. As for the cleanliness of the mat, for it not to lose its stickiness, you should use alcohol-free, bleach-free, cornstarch-free or lotion-free baby wipes. In order to prevent applying more solvents, oils or lotions in cheap baby wipes, it is recommended to use those that have no coating on it.

Ensure that you clean the surface of the mat in circular motions so that you do not scratch off the adhesives off the surface. You can use one wipe or up to three wipes if your mat is dirty and then let the mat air dry before it again is ready for use.

2. Medium-Duty Cleaning Methods

If the gentle methods do not work then the medium duty methods should be employed. These are intended for cleaning Cricut cake mats.

Using a Dish Soap

It is advisable to wash your mat with soap and warm water but do not use hand soap that is enriched with oils or lotion. But for better outcomes though, it is recommended that one should use gentle dish soap like the dawn dish soap.

i. Smack all the gum paste, frosting, or fondant

ii. Using the plastic scraper tool, spread and work on the surface of the mat to remove all the extra material.

iii. Spread the mat on a flat and waterproof area such as the floor or kitchen counter. In case the mat is very dirty or has some very hard to remove stains, you should use a dish cloth or a dish brush to gently scrub the mat in round motions with soap and warm water. It shouldn’t be washing with hot water because heat is known to cause buckling on Cricut mats, and this makes them not fit in the machines. In case you do not have a brush you can use a sponge or the famous Magic eraser.

3. Heavy-Duty Cleaning Methods

The heavy cleaning methods should be applied for the greasy or dirty mat while other forms of dirt might require an adhesive remover. The people’s traditional technique of cleaning the Cricut mats is by using the LA’s Totally Awesome spray, which can be bought online as well as local grocery stores. Another recognizable product that we use to clean the Cricut mats is the Goo Gone.

i. Before cleaning the mat, it is advised to first spray the mat with cleaning spray and leave it for approximately 5 to 10 minutes.

ii. Lightly press scraper tool or squeegee to eliminate the residue on the mat’s surface in an effort to avoid damaging the mat.

iii. Then, rinse your mat with mild warm water and then either hang it on the washing line or spread it evenly on a clean dry surface to dry.

Tips and Tricks to Effectively Clean a Cricut Mat

Cricut mats are those sticky mats used in Cricut machines those also becomes dull and dirty and thus its stickiness fades away. Cricut mat fading is typically the subject of most users’ questions regarding its proper handling that is, cleaning it, resticking it or replacing it with a new one. These are the Cricut cutting mats that are intended to be used 40 times though extend the life; you need to do more washing.

i. Whichever method you will choose in cleaning your Cricut cutting mats, make sure to always allow the mat to air dry completely. This can very be done by hanging the mat vertically or by placing it on the drying rack. To dry much faster, you can try facing your mat in the direction of the fan so it can circulate air over your mat.

ii. On the list of do not's, you must do not use heat as it may potentially harm the mat or using hard paper and wiping the mat with a towel. This is because it would spread the mat sticky surface over the fuzz and lint you are looking forward to eradicating.

iii. Avoid using nail varnish remover on the surfaces to clean them, as it destroys the stickiness of the item for reuse.

iv. When you are dealing with mat that generates a lot of debris, then you will be required to clean the mat more often especially when cutting any wooden material using the knife blade.

v. When washing your cutting mats make sure you are not close to items that will deposit dust, dirt and lint which dulls the mat.

How to Make a Cricut Mat Sticky Again

If your mat is old, or in bad shape, most likely, cleaning will not work, and the next method is to try to make it slippery again. However, it would be best if you remembered that you could compromise the warranty of your Cricut cutting machine because you have decided to restick your Cricut cutting mat as the glue could cause a jam in the machine due to the added layers of glue. I’m part of this group and I don’t want to have to restick my mat, you can buy a new one.

The best adhesives you can use on your Cricut mats, for that added stick are; Spray n Bond Basting, Tacky Glue, Zig Adhesive, Loctite and Krylon brand among others.

Steps to Help You Restick Your Cutting Mat

i. Clean your mat by removing all grime and dust on your mat with a hard plastic scraper and then conduct a wipe over with special wipes or in rare instances proceeding to soap and clean water wipe over your mat.

ii. Once the mat is cleaned, it is advisable to prepare the mat for the new adhesive by taping around the edges of the mat. When using the tape ensure that it is the blue painter’s tape or the masking tape in order to avoid marking the outer border of the mat.

iii. Proceed to apply the new adhesive by doing the following; For the adhesive on the back of the can, spray the adhesive on the cutting mat.

iv. It is recommended that you leave the cutting mat for 10 – 15 minutes to allow the adhesive to dry up.


This article has well and appropriately explained how to clean a Cricut mat to everyone that was asking. Knowing what needs to be done to clean your Cricut mat and how the available cleaning products can be used has it proved that cleaning the Cricut mat is rather easy.

Upon washing the mat, it will go on providing the owner with astonishing prints. The above described process is simple and it takes a short period of time to be implemented and thus it implies that one can et all his/her Cricut mats clean all the time.

Ian Mutuli

About the author

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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